Wow. Have I been sidetracked and absent from my new hobby.
It is hard to describe myself as "too busy" to write when the truth is I have been spending my days at home. Yes, that is correct, I am still unemployed. Which surprisingly has been okay for the time being. This week was the first week I have been restless and somewhat bored. (Post to come about my exact unemployment daily routine and why my break was the best decision to date)
We have been official Des Moines area residents for almost a month! DeVante is two school days away from Police Academy Graduation. And we are absolutely loving our new home.
I have stayed busy with household tasks and organizing the new house, running errands, and frantically applying for jobs (35 and counting to be exact). Despite being "so busy" I have already had some experiences that I will be sharing soon!
PS- Because they are so cute, here is an adorable picture of DeVante and Amya going to the Daddy/Daughter Dance a few weeks back.
Being in Des Moines we are also closer to Amya which already has been wonderful and allows for special moments like this to happen.